How to Turn Your B2B Podcast Into a Lead Generation Machine

Podcasts are a powerful B2B lead generation tool. If you've already got one, read on to learn how you can get the most out of your show. Don't have one yet? You're missing out, and we'll explain why. You'll learn how to expand your reach, establish thought leadership, and network with new and powerful connections. Podcasting can be an extremely effective way to generate leads for your business - don't miss out!

Before we can even discuss production and distribution, we have to address the elephant in the room: strategy.

Everyone knows they need a strong, strategic foundation for their podcast, but few know exactly what that looks like. A podcast isn't just about talking into the void and hoping your customers find you. It's an opportunity to build relationships and connect with your audience on a deeper level than any other content form.

Think about it this way: a podcast is the most intimate form of content marketing. It's you, unscripted and in your own voice, talking directly to your listener. They can hear the passion in your voice, and they can tell when you're being genuine. This is an incredible opportunity to build trust with your audience and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. But it all starts with strategy.

Your B2B podcast strategy should be built on three pillars: value, community, and authority. Let's take a closer look at each one.


All - yes, all - of your podcast content should provide value to your listener. This could be in the form of interviews with industry leaders, tips and advice from experts, or case studies that show how your product or service has helped other businesses succeed. Whatever it is, make sure it's something that will help your listener grow their business. If you're not giving your audience a reason to tune in, they wont.


A strong podcast builds community by bringing together like-minded individuals who can learn from each other and support each other's success. This could be in the form of a roundtable discussion, a panel interview, or even just a conversation between friends. Whatever format you choose, make sure that your guests, and more importantly your audience feels included. A show that makes people feel like a part of something bigger than themselves is a show that has immense potential.


As a B2B, you already have some level of authority. What level exactly will depend on your background, but a podcast is an opportunity to take that to the next level. By sharing your knowledge and expertise in a relatable way, you can become the go-to source for information in your industry. And when people trust you as an authority, they're far more likely to do business with you.

What about when you're not the authority on a sub-topic that is important to your audience? You could wing it and try your best, but you run the risk of eroding your reputation if you produce shoddy content centered around a lack of expertise. These situations are amazing opportunities to network and bring in subject matter experts to talk with. In doing so, you're providing better value for your listeners, showing them that you care about the content you produce for them, and further establishing your show and brand as a source or expert insights.


You may have noticed that the three pillars all center around one common focal point: audience. And that's because at the end of the day, your podcast is for them. It's an opportunity to serve them in a way that no other content can.

It can be tempting to cut corners and produce content that more directly serves your immediate interests, but the long game always wins. The loyalty and trust you'll develop by focusing on authenticity and value, while holding back on hard-selling and promoting your brand, will generate long term returns that far outpace anything you could get by pushing and selling your audience.

After all, if they stop listening, you'll be left with nothing. What's more valuable to you? A handful of low engagement listeners you can hard sell, or thousands of genuine, loyal brand advocates who trust you and will come to you when they're ready?

If you want to hard sell, stick to PPC ads.


This is where you get to let your creativity shine. Take care of the basics, like sound quality and background noise, by investing in quality equipment and recording in a quiet space. Beyond that, the sky is the limit. Post production is another opportunity to optimize your recording.

Tip: Question everything. Don't just go with the status quo and emulate the other brands you see. Stay true to your ideas of how you can provide value to your audience, whether thats through format, episode length, or anything else. You know your ICP better than anyone else can.


This is where you take the excellent, audience centric content you've produced and send it out into the digital world to be engaged with.

Once you've published your show, you can turn it into plenty of other forms of content like blog posts, video clips, social posts, audiograms, and full length YouTube videos. If your interested, you can learn more here:

10 Ways to Repurpose a Podcast: Amplify Your Content
Podcasts are content engines, and you’ve got a full tank of gas after you publish a new episode. Here are 10 ways to amplify your B2B podcast.

Now that you understand the basics of how to use a B2B podcast for lead generation, it's time to get started on your own show. By focusing on audience-centric content, producing high quality episodes, and distributing your content in creative ways, you'll be well on your way to turning your podcast into a powerful lead generation machine.

If you're interested in launching your own branded podcast, reach out. We'd love to hear from you, and are happy to answer any questions you might have.